Did you know there are three species of freshwater lobster in Tasmania?
When you visit the Lobster Ponds in Flowerdale, you'll discover a remarkable world centred on these fascinating crustaceans. The three species are Astacopsis gouldi, found in the north; Astacopsis franklinii, native to the southeast; and Astacopsis tricornis, which inhabits the southwest of Tasmania.
The Giant Freshwater Lobster (Astacopsis gouldi)
I am…
The world's largest freshwater crustacean, capable of growing up to 1 metre long and weighing a staggering 6.5 kilos. This impressive species is a relic of Tasmania's ancient natural history and is revered as a l
iving fossil. Its size and unique biology make it a truly fascinating creature, deserving of attention and conservation efforts.
I live…
In rivers and streams, particularly in the northwest of Tasmania, from the Arthur River to the northeast, including rivers such as Leven, Inglis, Flowerdale, Forth, Emu, and Duck. These cool, clean waterways are ideal habitats, providing the shelter and food sources the lobsters need. Unfortunately, their natural range has been shrinking due to habitat loss and other environmental pressures, which makes conservation of their remaining habitat all the more important.
And I…
Mature slowly: Female lobsters reach maturity at 14 years, while males take about 9 years. It is only after this that reproduction becomes possible. This slow maturation process means the species is particularly vulnerable to overfishing, as individuals need to live long enough to reproduce multiple times to sustain the population.
Have low offspring survival rates: Despite producing approximately 2,000 eggs every second year, only around 1% survive to adulthood. The eggs are carried under the female's tail and hatchlings remain attached for a period before venturing out on their own. This low survival rate makes each mature lobster especially important to the population.
Thrive in hidden spaces: These lobsters prefer to hide in the crevices of rocks and under large logs, effectively camouflaging themselves from predators. Their natural camouflage makes them difficult to spot even in clear water, which is why guided tours at the Lobster Ponds offer such a unique chance to see these elusive creatures.

Conservation and Education
Astacopsis gouldi is listed as a threatened species due to habitat destruction, illegal fishing, and environmental changes. Efforts to conserve their habitats are crucial to their survival, and the Lobster Ponds plays an integral role in educating the public about the challenges these lobsters face.
Visiting the Lobster Ponds
A visit to the Lobster Ponds is an opportunity to learn about the biology, habitat, and conservation needs of these unique creatures. The facility offers guided tours that give you a close-up look at the lobsters, highlighting their impressive size and intricate features. Visitors will gain insight into the lifecycle and habits of these lobsters, along with the broader ecosystem of Tasmania's waterways.
Birdlife at the Lobster Ponds
In addition to the freshwater lobsters, the Lobster Ponds features a bird aviary that houses the endangered Swift Parrot, and there are hopes of introducing the Orange-bellied Parrot in the future. These birds, like the lobsters, face significant threats in the wild, making the Lobster Ponds a crucial sanctuary for both educational purposes and conservation.
Why Visit?
The Lobster Ponds is a not-for-profit venture dedicated to conserving and educating the public about Tasmania's unique freshwater wildlife. By visiting, you directly contribute to the continued conservation of these species and support the mission to educate others about the importance of preserving their natural habitats.
A day at the Lobster Ponds is not just an educational experience but also a serene retreat into nature. With its peaceful ponds, rich birdlife, and fascinating freshwater creatures, it's a unique way to connect with Tasmania's natural heritage.